Create spaces to ideate around specific product types and models. With Orchidea, collecting, developing and evaluating product ideas together with your team, organization and customers is seamless.
partners & customers
"A comprehensive innovation platform, developed together with customers."
Henri, Machinery Industry
Start product and service development fast with a ready-made workflow. It's designed to simplify the continuous collection of product and service ideas in a permanent channel. The model provides a numerical evaluation process to identify the most promising ideas and efficiently steer them towards development and decision making.
Product development can be a complex and time-consuming process. Orchidea is a perfect tool to streamline the process and get better ideas. Orchidea provides a centralized place for businesses to generate and track ideas. The ideas that aren't going to be processed straight away, stays recorded in the idea bank. Orchidea also offers a variety of features to facilitate product development, such as the ability to create specific channels for each product type or model, or to evaluate ideas systematically with numerical evaluation tools. This makes it easy for team members to collaborate on ideas and track progress. Besides innovating with your team, you can engage your customers in the process and let them vote on the best ideas. By using Orchidea, businesses can save time and money while producing innovative new products.
When it comes to product development, ideation is key. Orchidea's workshop and innovation challenge features are designed to boost creativity and help teams come up with the best possible product ideas. In the workshop, participants generate as many ideas as they can within a certain timeframe. This encourages them to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions. The innovation challenge, on the other hand, challenges participants to create a solution on a specific issue. To get the best ideas, you can engage customers on your ideation and see what ideas they like the best. By using Orchidea's workshop and innovation challenge features, you can ensure that your product development process is as efficient and innovative as possible.
Creating ideas is vital in growing your business and staying relevant in a constantly changing environment. Since the change...
Ideation is critical for innovation. And when it comes to rapid ideation, nothing works better than brainstorming.
No matter the size or sector of your organization, you have most likely engaged in some type of brainstorming...