Turn ideas into innovations with idea management platform Orchidea

Streamline your innovation process and make sure that your best ideas have the chance to thrive. With Orchidea, you manage the process of innovation, from creating new idea to selecting best ones to implementation.

Systematic idea management

partners & customers

Over 50 000 users world-wide

What is idea management and how to do it?

idea management software

Idea management

Many businesses struggle with the same problem: too many ideas and not enough resources to implement them all. This can lead to frustration and a feeling of being overwhelmed. One way to combat this issue is to develop a system for managing ideas. This might involve setting up a dedicated team or department to review and prioritize ideas, or it could simply mean establishing some clear guidelines for how and where ideas should be submitted. By taking the time to develop an idea management system, businesses can ensure that they are making the most of their employees' creativity and come up with a plan for implementation that makes the best use of their resources.

Idea management software

Orchidea is a great idea management software for systematizing innovation. You can create your own processes, for example, invite experts to review ideas or use systematic numerical evaluation. You can conduct all your innovation activities in Orchidea, from quick brainstorming sessions to few months long innovation challenges or continuous ideation. And in all your innovation activities, involve customers or partners to co-developing. Orchidea is the platform you need for idea management.
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Why manage your ideas with Orchidea?

Idea management process

Multiple ways to create ideas with employees, customers or other stakeholders

Create suitable processes special for your needs

All-in-one platform for all your innovation activities

Easy involvement of stakeholders with public and shared channels, workshops and challenges

Versatile idea evaluation features from expert reports to numerical evaluation

Assign tasks to ensure the progress of ideas

Orchidea's analytics and reports provide accurate, actionable insights about your innovation process

Free idea management software - for full features we use manager-based pricing to encourage collaboration

and more!

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"Easy-to-use platform for collecting ideas and suggestions in the innovation process"

Terhi, Renewable Energy

The most versatile idea management tool

Engage all relevant stakeholders into creating and developing ideas

Orchidea is an innovation platform that helps companies to develop products and services through open innovation. This means involving customers, partners and the crowd in the development process. Orchidea provides a space for collaboration, where ideas can be shared and developed. The platform also features tools brainstorming and innovation challenges, where you can also invite guest ideators. Moreover, Orchidea's open innovation approach can help to speed up the development process, as it allows companies to tap into a wider range of ideas and expertise. As a result, Orchidea's platform provides a powerful tool for driving innovation within organizations.

SEE how to INNOVATE WITH orchidea
Innovation engagement platform
Idea processing tool

Create a process that suit your needs

Different topics require different processes. With Orchidea, you can adjust every step to suit your needs. You can make the proposal form, workflow, and evaluation suitable for you. In the evaluation, you can ask for expert reviews, or do a systematical numerical review on your ideas. You can also assign task to speed up the process. In Orchidea, you can fully customize the process and make it convenient for you!

Also, you can try Orchidea out risk-free with our free plan!

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Start managing your ideas with Orchidea today, and:

Versatile engagement features
workshops, challenges, and continuous innovation
Assign tasks to make progress
Customizable processes
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"A comprehensive innovation platform, developed together with customers."

Jukka, Energy Industry


1. What are the benefits of idea management?
Idea management can help reduce the risk of losing good ideas and keep track on which ones are most important. It also ensures that all relevant information is available at one place so there's no confusion about where things stand with any particular project or initiative. Systematic idea management makes innovating more effective and ensures that the ideas are being processed.
2. How to manage ideas effectively?
There is no one way to manage ideas. The key is to do it systematically and adjusts the process to suit the topic. Having an idea management software can really help with that. With Orchidea, you can manage complex ideas that require expert reports as well as faster ideation and numerical prioritization. You can learn more about idea management on our blog.
3. Is it possible to innovate with other than own employees with Orchidea?
Yes! We encourage companies to use open innovation and have developed Orchidea to encourage that. You can invite guest users to participate with a link. You can innovate with all relevant stakeholders, such as partners or customers. You can engage the crowd on all your innovation activities: brainstorming, innovation challenges or continuous ideation. Also, you can define whether you want to share only specific ideas or the whole channel with your guests.
4. Is Orchidea a free idea management tool?
Yes! Orchidea is a free idea management software. You can start with our free version here. If you want to upgrade to our full features, you can see the pricing here. In our paid version, we have a fair pricing where you only pay for the managers.

Read our blog posts on innovation and idea management