Want to make your innovation more efficient, creative and smart? Let our AI helps you foster innovation.
"A comprehensive innovation platform, developed together with customers."
Jukka, Energy Industry
Add creativity to digital brainstorming with AI-boosted workshop. AI generates diverse ideas among others and speed up the process of drafting solutions.
Explore AI-powered workshop Need some help to enhance your ideas? Chat with AI and ask for improvement suggestions, technical additions, risks or benefits.
Bring your ideas to life fast with AI generated visuals. Effortlessly communicate concepts with AI-generated images.
Define evaluation criteria and let the AI review your ideas. Make informed decisions quickly and move potential ideas forward.
Develop a new idea, brainstorm, hold an innovation challenge, co-operate, repeat... AI saves time and increases quality.
"Easy-to-use platform for collecting ideas and suggestions in the innovation process"
Terhi, Renewable Energy
In the Orchidea workshop, AI collaborates seamlessly with participants. It generates unbiased ideas at a steady pace supporting the creativity of the team and providing new viewpoints. AI plays a crucial role in further developing and refining ideas. This interaction between AI and participants fosters a more innovative and productive atmosphere, leading to the creation of high-quality ideas with greater efficiency.
AI not only creates ideas, but help you refine and process them. AI makes unbiased suggestions of numerical and text evaluations based on your predefined criteria saving you valuable time. It can also develop ideas, find similarities and combine ideas. No need to do the processing by yourself from scratch.
Demo: AI in idea management
How to streamline idea management with AI in practice? In the webinar recording, we cover everything from data security to Orchidea's AI features including AI chat, brainstorming, and evaluation.
"A huge number of ideas were generated in a short period of time. Further processing is what is often missing in post-it note workshops but here it was systematically done. All ideas were documented."
According to a recent survey, artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly transformed the world around us, with 71% of...
In today's ever-changing business world, staying competitive requires a crucial factor: the ability to innovate. Idea...
As we move towards a more technology-driven era, it's no surprise that AI is becoming increasingly prevalent in various...